suga's blog 徒然なるままに

28 March

Senate backs troop withdrawal from Iraq

Senate backs troop withdrawal from Iraq

Tue Mar 27, 2007 10:16PM EDT
By Richard Cowan

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate on Tuesday endorsed a March 31, 2008, target date for withdrawing American combat troops from Iraq, prompting the White House to threaten a veto and moving Congress a step closer to a showdown with President George W. Bush over the war.
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11:49:55 - suga - No comments - TrackBacks

植木等さん死去 80歳

植木等さん死去 80歳 「無責任男」で一時代

 コミックバンド「クレージーキャッツ」のメンバーとして「スーダラ節」を大ヒットさせ、高度成長期のサラリーマンの悲哀を笑いに転化させた映画「無責任男」シリーズで知られる俳優の植木等(うえき・ひとし)さんが27日午前10時41分、東京都内の病院で、呼吸不全のため死去した。80歳だった。葬儀は近親者のみで行う。後日、お別れの会を開く予定。喪主は長男廣司(ひろし)さん。 [Read More!]
06:13:04 - suga - No comments - TrackBacks

27 March

UN highlights human trafficking

UN highlights human trafficking

The UN has launched a campaign to highlight human trafficking, an issue it says has reached epidemic proportions over the past decade.
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08:12:18 - suga - No comments - TrackBacks

German neo-Nazi crime rate sets new high

German neo-Nazi crime rate sets new high

Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:30PM BST
BERLIN (Reuters) - Crimes committed by neo-Nazis and other right-wing extremists in Germany reached their highest level last year since reunification in 1990, a newspaper reported on Monday.
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06:02:18 - suga - No comments - TrackBacks

24 March

U.S. House approves Iraq troop withdrawal

U.S. House approves Iraq troop withdrawal

Fri Mar 23, 2007 10:06PM GMT
By Richard Cowan

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives on Friday voted to impose a September 1, 2008, deadline for withdrawing all American combat troops from Iraq, prompting a quick veto promise from President George W. Bush.
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09:46:46 - suga - No comments - TrackBacks