suga's blog 徒然なるままに

22 January

Highway Tragedy Claims Two

Highway Tragedy Claims Two
Father and son are killed two days after Christmas.
By Bonnie Hobbs
January 10, 2008

Robert Scott Stegner, 49, had longevity in his family. So, said his wife, "He always said he was going to live to 100 and have a long life."
Son Sean, 14, an eighth-grade honor student at Liberty Middle School, had taken the entrance test for Thomas Jefferson High School and would have received his results, the end of January. It was two days after Christmas and life was good.
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22:07:24 - suga - No comments - TrackBacks

17 January




 日本新聞協会は1月16日、「裁判員制度開始にあたっての取材・報道指針」を公表した(指針全文はこちら)。 [Read More!]
16:51:54 - suga - No comments - TrackBacks

02 January


SI UN JOUR. (Poeme de Roger Duplat)

Si un jour,je meurs dans la montagne
C'est a toi mon vieux camarade de cordee
Que j'adresse ce testament

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11:26:01 - suga - No comments - TrackBacks