suga's blog 徒然なるままに

29 March

新銀行東京追加出資、都議会本会議で可決 自民2人欠席

新銀行東京追加出資、都議会本会議で可決 自民2人欠席


 経営難に陥っている新銀行東京に東京都が400億円を追加出資する議案は28日、都議会本会議で賛成多数で可決された。野党が提出した石原慎太郎知事の不信任決議案は否決された。 [Read More!]
09:02:27 - suga - No comments - TrackBacks

28 March

軍関与を司法明言 元隊長、悔しい表情 沖縄ノート判決

軍関与を司法明言 元隊長、悔しい表情 沖縄ノート判決


 集団自決は、旧日本軍が深く関与した――。岩波新書「沖縄ノート」などの記述をめぐる28日の大阪地裁判決は、沖縄・渡嘉敷島の島民らの悲惨な集団自決の背景に軍の存在があったことを明確に認めた。体験を語り継いできた島民らは安堵(あんど)の表情を浮かべ、「歴史の改ざん」を許さなかった判決を評価した。「国民に死を命じるわけがない」と主張してきた元戦隊長らは原告席で、訴えを退けた裁判長を凝視した。 [Read More!]
18:08:09 - suga - No comments - TrackBacks

25 March

U.S. toll in Iraq hits 4,000 as four soldiers killed

U.S. toll in Iraq hits 4,000 as four soldiers killed
Mon Mar 24, 2008 7:33pm EDT
By Ross Colvin

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Four U.S. soldiers were blown up in Baghdad, pushing the U.S. military death toll in Iraq to 4,000 just days into the sixth year of a war that President George W. Bush says the United States is on track to win. [Read More!]
09:25:28 - suga - 1 comment - TrackBacks

20 March

Five years on, Bush again talks of Iraq victory

Five years on, Bush again talks of Iraq victory

Wed Mar 19, 2008 7:28pm EDT
By Matt Spetalnick

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush said on Wednesday he had no regrets about the unpopular war in Iraq despite the "high cost in lives and treasure" and declared that the United States was on track for victory. [Read More!]
13:37:33 - suga - No comments - TrackBacks

19 March

Sci-fi guru Arthur C. Clarke dies

Sci-fi guru Arthur C. Clarke dies

Tue Mar 18, 2008 9:10pm EDT
By Simon Gardner

COLOMBO (Reuters) - Pioneering science fiction writer and visionary Arthur C. Clarke, best known for his work on the movie "2001: A Space Odyssey", has died in his adopted home of Sri Lanka at the age of 90.

[Read More!]
11:39:36 - suga - No comments - TrackBacks