suga's blog 徒然なるままに

31 October



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10:54:48 - suga - No comments - TrackBacks




 ロッキード事件やリクルート事件、外交・防衛問題の追及などで活躍し、論客としてならした元共産党副委員長で元参院議員の上田耕一郎(うえだ・こういちろう)さんが30日午前6時28分、慢性呼吸不全のため東京都内の病院で死去した。81歳だった。葬儀は31日、親族による密葬で執り行う。共産党は「お別れの会」を後日開くとしている。 [Read More!]
07:39:17 - suga - No comments - TrackBacks

24 October

Full democracy in Myanmar will take generations to achieve – UN expert

Full democracy in Myanmar will take generations to achieve – UN expert

23 October 2008 – Democracy will take decades to take root in Myanmar, and in the meantime tangible, step-by-step benchmarks should be set up to spur progress in the Asian country, an independent United Nations human rights expert told the General Assembly today.
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12:03:08 - suga - No comments - TrackBacks

22 October

Apple Reports Fourth Quarter Results

Data Summary

Apple Reports Fourth Quarter Results

6.9 Million iPhones Sold
Mac Sales Reach All-Time High

CUPERTINO, California―October 21, 2008―Apple® today announced financial results for its fiscal 2008 fourth quarter ended September 27, 2008. The Company posted revenue of $7.9 billion and net quarterly profit of $1.14 billion, or $1.26 per diluted share. These results compare to revenue of $6.22 billion and net quarterly profit of $904 million, or $1.01 per diluted share, in the year-ago quarter. Gross margin was 34.7 percent, up from 33.6 percent in the year-ago quarter. International sales accounted for 41 percent of the quarter’s revenue. [Read More!]
06:30:40 - suga - No comments - TrackBacks

19 October

弱者しわ寄せ 繰り返すな

発言 私の選択
弱者しわ寄せ 繰り返すな
「暮らしと経済研究室」主宰 山家悠紀夫さん

 米国発の金融危機は、まだ入り口です。株の大暴落に波及、実体経済への本格的な影響は、これからです。 [Read More!]
11:18:01 - suga - No comments - TrackBacks