suga's blog 徒然なるままに

13 November

High-speed Internet gap between rich and poor widening, UN official warns

High-speed Internet gap between rich and poor widening, UN official warns

12 November 2009 – While the “digital divide” between rich and poor countries may be shrinking overall, the gap is widening between the developed and developing worlds in the availability of broadband or high-speed Internet, a crucial tool for achieving economic and social goals, a top United Nations official said today. [Read More!]
08:45:27 - suga - No comments - TrackBacks

11 November



 ラジオ、映画、テレビ、舞台と幅広い分野で名演技を見せ、戦後半世紀以上にわたって大衆芸能の第一線で活躍した俳優、森繁久彌(もりしげ・ひさや)さんが10日、老衰のため東京都内の病院で死去しました。96歳。大阪府出身。葬儀の日程は未定です。 [Read More!]
12:21:56 - suga - 2 comments - TrackBacks

10 November

UN chief urges world to disarm in favour of investment in peace and development

UN chief urges world to disarm in favour of investment in peace and development

9 November 2009 – Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has warned that global military spending now tops $1 trillion per year while funding for development remains woefully low by comparison, in a message urging leaders to harness the growing political will to reduce stockpiles of weapons and redirect expenditure towards peaceful goals.
[Read More!]
09:39:33 - suga - No comments - TrackBacks

04 November

John Lennon’s sons and Yoko Ono revive ‘Give Peace a Chance’ to help UN

John Lennon’s sons and Yoko Ono revive ‘Give Peace a Chance’ to help UN

3 November 2009 - Celebrating the 40th anniversary of John Lennon and Yoko Ono recording the anti-war anthem Give Peace a Chance with the Plastic Ono Band, the United Nations announced today that the proceeds from the release of a commemorative single will garner funds for its peacebuilding efforts in countries emerging from conflict. [Read More!]
14:03:56 - suga - No comments - TrackBacks

03 November



憲法学者 樋口陽一さん語る



 ひぐち・よういち 1934年仙台市生まれ。東北大卒。東北大教授、パリ第2大客員教授、東大教授などを歴任。現在、日本学士院会員、フランス学士院準会員。『憲法』、『個人と国家』井上ひさし氏との共著『「日本国憲法」を読み直す』ほか。 [Read More!]
09:12:27 - suga - No comments - TrackBacks