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14 May

GM keeps building cars on XP

May 13, 2008 3:47 PM PDT
GM keeps building cars on XP
Posted by Ina Fried

Putting a dent into Microsoft's effort to resuscitate Windows Vista, carmaker General Motors says it is considering skipping the OS release entirely.

In an interview with BusinessWeek, GM technology chief Fred Killeen said that, for now, he's sticking with Windows XP.

"We're considering bypassing Vista and going straight to Windows 7," Killeen told the magazine. In particular, he pointed to the higher hardware requirements that would require many PCs in GM's fleet to be replaced. "By the time we'd replace them, Windows 7 might be ready anyway," he said.

Microsoft has said fairly little thus far about Windows 7. The company had said that it will arrive by 2010, although comments by Bill Gates in Miami last month suggested it might arrive sooner. [Read More!]
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10 May


「非暴力こそ人々守れる」 9条に海外からエール 幕張・世界会議

 戦争の放棄をうたう憲法9条に、世界で平和運動に取り組む人たちがエールを送っている。千葉市の幕張メッセで6日まで開かれた初の「9条世界会議」は約2万2千人が訪れた。なぜ9条なのか。海外から来たゲストは「支持するのは、あなたたちだけじゃない」と日本の参加者を勇気づけた。 [Read More!]
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