suga's blog 徒然なるままに

26 December

OMG, We're Not BFFs Anymore? Getting 'Unfriended' Online Stings

OMG, We're Not BFFs Anymore? Getting 'Unfriended' Online Stings
Users of Social-Networking Sites Delete Friends Who Don't Keep in Touch, Misbehave


JoAna Swan recently purged her profile on social-networking site Facebook Inc. of friends she hadn't spoken to for a while. A week later, Ms. Swan, a 21-year-old student at Pace University in Manhattan, ran into a woman she had dropped.

Crammed next to Ms. Swan in an elevator on the way to class, the woman, an acquaintance from freshman year, called her out for "unfriending" her and asked what she had done to deserve it. Ms. Swan considered saying it was an accident, but then opted to be honest. "It's nothing personal," she recalls saying. "I just delete people I no longer talk to." [Read More!]
11:06:47 - suga - No comments - TrackBacks

田母神氏論文「文民統制面で不適切」 防衛省が報告書

田母神氏論文「文民統制面で不適切」 防衛省が報告書


 防衛省は25日、先の戦争の正当性を主張する論文を発表した田母神(たもがみ)俊雄・前航空幕僚長の更迭問題に関する調査報告書を、有識者らによる防衛省改革会議に提出した。同氏の論文について「文民統制の面からも適切ではない重大な事案」としながらも、ほかの隊員の応募に同氏の指示はなかったと結論づけた。 [Read More!]
08:29:57 - suga - No comments - TrackBacks






 参院選挙区はさらに格差が大きく、最大は神奈川(4.937倍)で昨年より0.054ポイント格差が広がった。(朝日新聞2008年12月26日付社会29面14版) [Read More!]
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